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Archive for August, 2015

August 2015

Posted on: August 3rd, 2015 by Martek Pharmacal

Leading Pharma is now manufacturing Phentermine 37.5mg tablets, 37.5mg capsules and 15mg capsules.  Please call us if you would like a sample bottle of 100ct included in your next order.
The Phentermine 37.5mg tablets by Qualitest are currently on backorder.  We are hoping to receive more product by the third week of August.  Supply issues have been an ongoing problem with the Qualitest brand.   We have several similar brands in stock at lower prices.
During July there was a voluntary recall issued by KVK for their Phentermine 15mg capsules.  This recall was ONLY for a specific lot number- (Lot # 11956A, Exp. 04/17).  The last time we sold that lot # was in January 2015.  At this time, we have contacted all of our customers that had received lot #11956A from us.