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Archive for October, 2008

October 2008

Posted on: October 1st, 2008 by Martek Pharmacal

Actavis has announced that the production of their Phentermine 37.5mg White/Blue speckled Tablets has been delayed until December 2008/January 2009. Their Phentermine capsules and Phendimetrazine 35mg Yellow Tablets will not be available until 2009.

Mikart has again announced a price increase on their Phendimetrazine 35mg Yellow, Blue, and White Tablets. Unfortunately, we were not offered a buy-in at the old price, so the price increase is effective immediately. This is their second price increase since July 2008. The price of the Sandoz Phentermine 35mg Yellow Tablets remains unchanged.

Sandoz (Eon) has announced a price decrease in their Phentermine 30mg Blue/Clear Capsules. Please contact us for a new lower price quote.

We currently have short-dated Phentermine by Lannett at significantly reduced prices. The expiration dates on these items are April 30, 2009 and May 31, 2009.

Back in May, the manufacturers of Thyroid announced there would be a delay in production due to problems with the raw materials manufacturer. We are beginning to receive shipments of the 1/2 grain and 1 grain tablets. Thyroid 2 grain and 3 grain tablets should be available by the end of October.

Unadvertised Product Specials (While supplies last)

  • Benzphetamine 50mg Peach Tablets by Boca & Paddock
  • Phentermine 30mg Blue/Clear Capsules by Sandoz (Eon)